Saving Animals from Disaster

  Life-changing Stories and Practical Suggestions

Media Kit
Inspirational Speaker
Table of Contents
Excerpts from Book
Scheduled Events & Presentations
Animal Rescue Training
Animal Rescue Links
Preparing for Disaster Tips

Help save Lives with RESCUED

Featured Animal Rescue Story
About Allen and Linda Anderson
Books by Allen and Linda Anderson
Contact Information


Contact: Allen & Linda Anderson
POB 16682, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416, USA

FAX: 952-925-4729
Websites:,, and

For media review copies and permissions
to reprint, contact: Monique Muhlenkamp,

Publicity Director, New World Library,
1-800-972-6657, ext.15



Sampling of Allen and Linda Anderson's International Media



Animal rescuers set to go in after Gustav
By Sharon Peters, Special for USA TODAY

“The government officials and procedures have taken intoaccount that people won’t leave without their pets and have made provisions for that,” says Linda Anderson, who with her husband Allen, investigated Katrina and wrote Rescued: Saving Animals from Disaster, a clarion call for advance disaster planning for animals. “The intake procedures are organized and standardized so animals don’t get lost in the system. … (The government) is working side by side with the animals groups.”

Excerpt from USA TODAY article, p. 4D, September 2, 2008



Television News Interviews featuring Allen and Linda Anderson

Click WCCO (CBS) Evening News to watch an interview with Allen and Linda Anderson.

Click KARE 11 (NBC) Morning News to watch a news interview with Allen and Linda Anderson

Click Showcase Minnesota, KARE 11 (NBC) to watch an interview show featuring Allen and Linda Anderson

Click Living on Earth (NPR) to listen to an interview about Rescued: Saving Animals from Disaster.

Click Amazing Angel Animals to watch how authors Allen and Linda Anderson reach out with their amazing message -- animals and people are spiritual partners in this world.

Note: DVDs are available with additional television interviews featuring Allen and Linda Anderson upon request by media outlets.


Radio Interviews with
Allen and Linda Anderson

The 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell


Von Braschler's Healing with your Pets

Note: Click Calendar of Events to view presentations, past and currently scheduled television and radio interview.

Articles about
Allen and Linda Anderson

Note: The publisher (New World Library) will also send a press kit which includes national and regional news articles about Allen and Linda Anderson, bookcover artwork, images of Allen and Linda Anderson, bio details, and interior book photographs upon request by media outlets.

View "Save Your Pet. Save Your Life!" Video Clip


Press Release

Contact: Allen & Linda Anderson
POB 26354, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426, USA

PH: 952-925-3309
Cellular: 612-770-7971 or 612-802-6179
FAX: 952-925-4729
Websites:,, and

For media review copies and permissions
to reprint, contact: Monique Muhlenkamp,

Publicity Director,
New World Library,
1-800-972-6657, ext.15

Hurricane Gustav Means Save Your Pet, Save Your Life

With Hurricane Gustav bearing down on the Gulf Coast on the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, animal rescue experts urge people to prepare for disaster and evacuate with their pets. A Zogby International study found that 44 percent of those who stayed behind when Hurricane Katrina hit did so because they wouldn't abandon their pets. Animal rescue and disaster preparedness for pets has become vital for saving human and animal lives.

Minneapolis, MN  -- With Hurricane Gustav bearing down on the Gulf Coast, animal rescue experts urge people to prepare for disaster and evacuate with pets. A Zogby International study found that 44 percent of those who stayed behind when Hurricane Katrina hit did so because they wouldn't abandon their pets. Animal rescue and disaster preparedness for pets has become vital for saving human and animal lives. Allen and Linda Anderson, pet experts and Minneapolis-based authors of the award-winning book "RESCUED: Saving Animals from Disaster," (New World Library, September, 2006), provide practical suggestions to pet owners for fast evacuation in the wake of any emergency.

Linda Anderson says, "We just received a frantic call from a woman in Mississippi asking us where she could take her pet because she had to evacuate. The hotel the woman had found wouldn't accept pets. It's unbelievable, three years after Katrina, that there still aren't enough pet-friendly hotels. People died because they wouldn't leave their animal family members behind and had no place to go with them. This kind of tragedy can't be allowed to happen again."

Yet even though Hurricane Katrina precipitated the largest animal rescue operation in history, chronicled in Rescued, and the PETS Act provided federal incentives for states to include pet evacuation in disaster planning, complacency has returned. Most people are simply not prepared with a pet disaster kit that contains food, water, photos of their pets, and medications or a list of pet-friendly hotels along evacuation routes. This means they are putting their lives, the lives of their pets, and the lives of animal rescuers at risk.

Allen Anderson says, "When we did interviews for Rescued in New Orleans, we visited Animal Rescue New Orleans (ARNO). The executive director there told us a story that we'll never forget. She explained that volunteers in search of abandoned animals after Hurricane Katrina found an entire family that had refused to evacuate because they couldn't bear to leave their pets behind. The family's pet, starving and nearly dead, was lifted off a woman's lap by the ARNO rescuer and brought to their shelter. The entire family had perished. We all had tears in our eyes while listening to this tragic story. People choose to stay in or return to dangerous situations rather than abandon their pets."

A husband-and-wife writing team with the popular Angel Animals book series, the Andersons drew upon Allen Anderson's eight years as an Atlanta police officer and his position as director of safety for an international nonprofit organization to focus on how to stay safe through an emergency. The couple interviewed hundreds of animal rescuers and survivors of the Gulf Coast hurricanes. Allen Anderson says, "Tragedy is compounded when people feel guilt and severe depression over loss of a companion or service animal. Laws and policies regarding the value of rescuing animals have not caught up with the reality that pets are family members living in two out of three American households. Disaster escalated after Hurricane Katrina and again in Lebanon when people wouldn't evacuate from a war zone due to the no-pets-allowed policies."

Among other vital pieces of information, the Andersons discuss are:

  • The five crucial questions everyone with a pet must ask to assess if they are prepared for disaster
  • • What essential elements are needed in a pet preparedness kit for an owner to evacuate safely and quickly in the event of a house fire, neighborhood chemical spill, terrorism threat, evacuation order, or natural disaster such as hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, floods, and earthquakes
  • • How to have a family emergency disaster plan that includes pets
  • • What should be in a person's car or a safe deposit box that could save lives
  • • What questions to ask of local, state, and national emergency planning committees, fire and police departments, and legislators to make sure people have support for pet evacuation and sheltering in disasters
  • • What will get a person into a shelter or rescue vehicle and why they and their pet could be turned away.

Animal Rescue for Gulf Coast 2008

Below is a partial list of organizations expected to be involved in animal rescue for Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. The Andersons can supply additional contacts that will help reporters who want to cover the Hurricane Gustav story for the media. The couple hopes that the media will get word out about how to keep pets safe and near their families through a disaster situation.

  • United Animal Nations
  • MuttShack Animal Rescue Foundation
  • Louisiana SPCA
  • Humane Society of Louisiana
  • Animal Rescue New Orleans
  • Audubon Zoo
  • Houston SPCA
  • Humane Society of South Mississippi
  • Pets America operates with Texas Veterinary Medical

Rescued: Saving Animals from Disaster has been called a must-read for every pet owner and anyone who has considered volunteering for animal rescue.

"The authors stress that owners must take primary responsibility for their pets and that rescue volunteers should be properly trained ... their advice is well taken." -- Publisher's Weekly review, 7-24-06

"Compelling, fascinating, and most important -- highly moral." --Ben Stein, author, actor, commentator

"A finely written, touching, and important book." --Karen Dawn,, author of Thanking the Monkey: Rethinking the Way We Treat Animals

"It is important to tell their stories so we can learn from both the successes and disappointments of that unforgettable ordeal." -- John Ensign, DVM, United States Senator, Nevada, from his foreword for Rescued.

# # #


New Book Honors Courage and Compassion of Animal Rescuers

Compelling, fascinating, and most importantly -- highly moral.
Ben Stein, author, actor, commentator

American Humane applauds the Andersons' tireless efforts to pay homage
to the hundreds of individuals from scores of animal welfare groups
who gave so much to rescue the animal victims of Hurricane Katrina.
--Marie Belew Wheatley, President & CEO, American Humane Association

Believing that domesticated pets are family members and that by helping
them one is also helping people, the Andersons detail what has been
learned from Katrina and provide instructions for readers in the event
that they face an evacuation. The authors stress that owners must
take primary responsibility for their pets and that rescue volunteers
should be properly trained. . .their advice is well taken.
--Publisher’s Weekly review, 7-24-06

      Operating beneath the radar in most American cities everyday, animal rescue came to the fore after Hurricane Katrina. An estimated 5,000 volunteers went to the Gulf coast to save 600,000 stranded animals. They joined in an unprecedented effort that brought hundreds of animal organizations together for the largest animal disaster rescue in history. In their new book, RESCUED: Saving Animals from Disaster (New World Library, September 2006, 360 pages, resources, index, color photos, $16.95), Allen and Linda Anderson, Minneapolis-based authors of the popular Angel Animals series, show that animal rescue has become a vital element in disaster preparedness for a nation where two out of three households have pets. In RESCUED, the Andersons document what human beings do for each other and for animals with inspiring and revealing interviews of 200 volunteers, Gulf Coast residents, and animal organization leaders operating in communities across the country.

     Allen Anderson says, “Animal rescue volunteers don’t get keys to the city for their tireless work. They get licks, kisses, grateful eyes, and wagging tails. These displays of appreciation keep them going through conditions that you couldn’t pay people to endure. When they reunite a pet with a family member again or find a good new home for a homeless animal, the rescuers say this is reward enough. These volunteers and animal organizations are truly amazing in their humanity and dedication. They show human beings at their very best. We honor them with our book and give information to pet owners and volunteers that will save lives in future disasters.” The Andersons and their publisher are donating a portion of the proceeds from RESCUED to animal rescue organizations.


Rescued: Saving Animals from Disaster provides information about:

  • How Oprah Winfrey, Matthew McConaughey, and a medical doctor and his wife saved the lives of almost sixty stranded animals left behind in a New Orleans' hospital and the bizarre turn of events following the doctors' heroism
  • The heartwarming story that encapsulates everything that is great about America as generous truck drivers traveled thousands of miles to reunite Kitty-Kat with his distraught family
  • Katie, the abandoned dog who refused to be rescued until she saved the lives of the rest of her animal family
  • An entire family that was excluded from a shelter because of their pets and rescued by a compassionate priest and a nationwide dog breed rescue group
  • The highs and lows at Lamar-Dixon Expo Center where 8,500 animals were rescued and how animal organizations cooperated with each other there in unprecedented ways
  • Why thousands of volunteers left the safety and comfort of their homes to live secret lives - climbing under houses and over fences, braving floods and hurricanes, breathing toxic fumes - with an extraordinary level of volunteerism, selfless service, and courage, and what happened when they returned home
  • The airline flight attendants and crews and pet airlifts that saved the lives of thousands of animals after T. Boone and Madeleine Pickens took the initiative
  • The impact of Anderson Cooper, Larry King, Oprah, USA Today, CNN, PBS, Animal Planet, and other media coverage had on animal rescue after Hurricane Katrina
  • What animal rescuers want you to know about preparing for disaster, how disaster can strike any family at any time, and the five most important things everyone who has a pet should do to prepare for safely and quickly evacuating from their homes
  • The calls for action for citizens to ensure that pet evacuation plans are in place in their local communities, statewide, and nationally and why passing a national PETS Act will help but won't guarantee pets will be safe in a disaster
  • The effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder on animal rescuers and how to lessen the likelihood of suffering from PTSD after volunteering under emotionally scarring situations
  • Why animal rescue training is crucial and how to become a certified animal rescuer
  • The surprising number and variety of career paths and jobs available in nonprofit organizations that deal with animal protection and welfare
  • State-of-the art animal shelters and why they are so successful and necessary
  • The major issues that divide the animal rescue organizations and volunteers and how they are working together for common goals
  • What celebrities Tippi Hedren, Rue McLanahan, Molly Sims, Joe Mantegna, and Brigitte Bardot shared with the authors about their personal involvement with animal rescue
  • The history, scope, and future of animal rescue and how animal organizations affect what you eat, the movies you see, the medications you take, the pets you are allowed to have, and a myriad of other aspects of American life
  • How the concept of people as "pet parents" is resulting in a 39 billion dollar industry that reflects pets becoming members of the family and what impact this has on animal rescue.

NBC KARE 11 Interview


Showcase Minnesota Interview


 RESCUED: Saving Animals from Disaster · Allen and Linda Anderson
 · Foreword by US Senator John Ensign · New World Library
 · September 2006 · Paperback · 360 pages · Resource section and index
 · 16 pages color photos · ISBN: 1577315448 · Pets/Essays

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